Anything is possible in 2025.
But here’s the question I ask myself: Am I energetically ready to meet it? Am I energetically taking the steps to be the person who can step into that higher possibility?
Sometimes the answer is “YES!” and I can just FLY into the next version of reality.
Sometimes the answer is “no,” and I need to be honest with myself.
So I ask the question: “Who have you been?”
And more specifically, “Who have you been in 2024?”
What patterns did you face last year that you haven’t yet broken through?
What promises did you keep?
Where did you get “derailed”?
be honest.
I’ll go first…
- I allowed other people to steer my ship. So instead of collaborating, I gave my power away without realizing it and it left me feeling confused and emotionally exhausted for months. Thankfully, I broke through those patterns, but it took me longer to see than would have been ideal!
- I ran the burden pattern of feeling like I needed to do so much in order to be useful or valuable to others. This made me work harder than I really needed to and created extra resistance to me going to the next level faster.
- I ran the pattern of feeling as though “no one” was supporting me (victim pattern) which had me feeling disconnected from those around me and not allowing myself to be open to true support and help.
- I was carrying more masculine energy around my business than was ideal which made me operate with more control and “pushing” than is necessary. The more I released these energies, the more I could see how I was making my life unnecessarily harder.
Now I invite you to share some of your patterns that held you back last year.
How did they impact your career, success, personal life?
Are you truly ready to release them?
This is how I operate in my personal reality. I look at everything–and I mean EVERYTHING–as energy. I take full accountability for what shows up in my life–my levels of abundance, health, happiness, success, emotional well-being, etc.
And then I do the deep frequency work to release them and evolve to higher levels of self.
Sometimes it’s not always easy, but it’s ALWAYS worth it. Always.
So who are you leaving behind in 2024, and who are you ready to become in 2025?
If you want to watch more about how I quantum shifted my life, you can see my podcast here.