When the Universe delivers magic

The Universe has a funny way of delivering exactly what you need, but in a way that you least expect it.
When I first started my healing journey, it was born from a deep dissatisfaction…

This nagging feeling in the back of my head…

That I was “missing something” in life…

That living a normal life (like most people do) wasn’t why I chose to be here…

I FELT deep down, that my life was meant for something bigger.

I just didn’t know what.

And because I didn’t “know” what, I had no idea how I was going to bridge the gap between “okay” to “magical.”

All I knew was that there was “more” to be had in life.

It’s partly why I LOVED movies and stories growing up. They allowed me to escape into a world of possibilities that I didn’t have access to in my real life.

And to be honest, for a good part of my life, I enjoyed living in my imagination more than I did in my present reality.

My present reality was predictable. And to be honest, disempowering…I was frequently racked with anxiety and fear that I had to keep hidden from the world.

In movies, even if the main character starts out as a wreck, you know an amazing ending is guaranteed.

In my own reality? It felt like I was standing on the sidelines my whole life, waiting for my “moment”.

So where do you start creating an incredible life, or what I call a quantum shift?

You start exactly where you are.

Yes, exactly where you are right now.

Not running toward some set destination.

Not changing your diet or your morning routine.

Not pretending to be someone you’re not.

You take stock of who you are in your current reality and you start asking yourself this one question: “What energy in me is creating this?”

It’s this one question that completely changed my life in an unexpected way that goes against most manifestation coaches.

I stopped trying for a result.

I stopped actively manifesting.

I simply focused on becoming the highest version of me in my current reality.

I simply focused on upgrading my frequency.

And this is when the Universe began delivering a reality that was a match to my elevated frequency.

And it happened very quickly and very unexpectedly.

Within a span of a few months, opportunities started dropping into my field “out of nowhere”.

Random checks showed up on my doorstep.

My social media “blew up” to over 120K in two months.

My marriage blossomed and deepened organically.

Everything just changed.

Because when we finally learn that only a small part of your reality is created by your mind, and MOST of your reality is created by your unconscious energy–you can let go of your limitations and welcome in something that’s even better than what you could have planned.

Because the Universe holds more possibilities than your mind can even imagine.

And this is why I’m so passionate about what I do.

Understanding how the Universe works and how our energy interacts with the Universal flow has completely changed my life and the lives of hundreds of other people.

If you’re ready to get started on understanding the deeper mechanics and laws of the Universe, read about Quantum Circle here.

Here’s my biggest takeaway: The unknown is full of magic. To access it you need two things: 1. Be an energetic match to higher opportunities. 2. Stay energetically open to receiving.





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